Monday, May 24, 2010

Saying Goodbye...

(From the Heart of She)

This past weekend we attended a graduation and a wedding. The group of student athletes that were freshman when we came to Montreat College graduated this past Saturday. In addition one of these couples got married and we had the privilege of attending their lovely mountain wedding yesterday. Another of these students, sadly, passed away this past Christmas and his family was able to come to the states and attend his honorary graduation and the wedding of his best friend. It was a weekend mixed with sadness and joy. It is amazing to see the way that God is working in the lives of these students. We are so blessed and honored to have been given the opportunity to be a part of their lives and to be able to call them friends. We know that they are meant to go, to take what they found at Montreat and use it to further God's kingdom, and we know that they will do just that- but it doesn't mean that we will miss them any less!

I have been in a bible study with Lyndsey and Erin since we arrived here in Dec of 2006. These are two Awesome women of God that will be doing great things for His kingdom. I have learned so much from them!

Howard's family was able to come from Jamacia. They were presented an honorary degree during the graduation ceremony and were able to speak regarding this honor. They also spoke of Montreat and all the people that have reached out to them during this time and what that has meant for their family.

Howard's best friend Stephen was married on Sunday. Howard's family was able to attend the wedding and all the groom's men wore Jamaican ties in Howard's honor. (Howard was supposed to have been Stephen's best man). Stephen and Heather are an amazing couple that have a vision to do sports ministry in the future (possibly in Jamaica). They are an amazing couple of faith and they will do great things for His kingdom.

We will also miss our good friend Sami. He has decided to transfer to another 'bigger' college, possibly Syracuse for soccer and business. We have tried to convince him to stay, especially because he is one of Zaba's favorite athletes, but he feels it is time for him to go.What will Mark do during soccer season without Sami around to fake injuries? :)

It is hard saying goodbye...but we know that God has grown these wonderful people in order for them to move on and continue His work.

Jeremiah 29:11 'For I know the plans I have for you' declares the Lord, 'Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans for future and for hope'.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Howard Fisher

Howard Fisher
(December 29th, 1985- February 3rd, 2010)
Athlete, Beloved Friend, Brother in Christ
You will be deeply missed.

I'm reading this book called 'A Quest For More' by Paul Tripp. In it he speaks about the groaning that takes place in this world. It comes from Romans 8:22-25. It states:

"We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently."

Yesterday at 9:30 in the morning I was informed that one of our student-athletes, and friend, on the soccer team passed away after battling a-plastic anemia for a month. This is a condition where the bone marrow fails to produce red blood cells, platelets, and white blood cells. I read about this and learned that this is a very serious and rare condition. If this condition is treated promptly then the survival rate is good. The problem in Howard's case is that he was from Jamaica and when the symptoms started he was in Jamaica. Health care in Jamaica is poor, in fact the first hospital Howard was in, from what we hear, didn't even have running water. Efforts were made to bring him back to the U.S. to treat him. A doctor at Duke said he would take the case, a student and friend named Stephen went to Jamaica to get him and bring him back, donating much needed platelets in the process, and several organizations had stepped up to pay for a medical flight for him to return to the U.S. Howard's health deteriorated too rapidly during this process and he succumbed to the disease on February 3rd at 7:10 am.

This is what happened to Howard, now I want to try to tell you who Howard was. First and foremost he was a believer in Jesus Christ and a child of God. Howard was a very rare and special person. There were over 500 people at his memorial service today, all people who Howard had touched in one way or another. Yesterday Montreat's chaplain talked about three groups of people who were affected by Howard. There are the close friends and loved ones, the people who had a relationship with him through sports or school, and then the people who didn't have the chance to build any kind of relationship with him but knew who he was and what he was about. I fell in the second group of people. I didn't, until today, realize how deeply he has impacted my life. He was the type of person who always saw the positive in situations. I never heard a complaint come from his mouth. He grew up in poverty, while in Jamaica, with no bed to sleep on until coming to Montreat. He never once took for granted the chance he had at a college education. His smile was contagious and it was always present. He always took the time to say hello and ask how you were doing. He had a genuine care and concern for each person he encountered. He was truly a larger then life type of person. He stood 6'6" and needed every bit of that to contain his huge heart. Our lives are truly better for knowing him and I am deeply honored for the times I was able to spend with him. Chaplain Steve shared a message today at the memorial speaking about when Christ returns. It comes from Revelation 19:13-14, "He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood, and the name by which He called is The Word of God. And the armies of heaven, arrayed in fine linen, white and pure, were following him on white horses." Steve mentioned that one of these people arrayed in a white robe riding with Christ will be Howard, with his huge smile welcoming those who believe into heaven.

This brings me back to Romans 8 and the groaning- This verse became very real for me with the passing of Howard. Paul Tripp says, "We are supposed to groan because in every situation and circumstance we see the damage that sin has done and is doing." Sickness and death came because of Adam's sin. Something far worse than physical death occurs: eternal separation from God. There are so many people who don't have a personal relationship with Christ and this needs to make me groan. This needs to make me pray and work passionately for God's kingdom and not my own. Howard taught, with his life and his death, the importance of relationships. Paul Tripp says this about relationships, "For many people relationships are an end, not a means to an end. People in our lives are more a source of personal happiness than a tool God uses to continue the good work that He begun in us and in others. Most relationships have little or nothing to do with God, and His plan on earth. Our short-sighted satisfaction is exposed by the fact that when we look at our relationships, we do not groan. If you pursue God's plan for your relationships, you will groan, because you will be confronted with how far you and others are from what God says is good and best." Howard taught me that I don't always take advantage of the time given. At one point Howard had hurt his back and I worked with him for about a month to get him back into playing shape. If I had known the future I would have made a point to make our conversation deeper. The point is that I can never know the future so I need to be real with everyone I come into contact with. Thankfully, because of God's grace, I will see Howard again someday and continue our conversation in eternal fellowship.

I wanted to finish with a couple of poems written by Howard that were shared at his service today:


Life is not measured by how many
Breathes you take but by how many
Times life takes your breathe away

Stop complaining about things you
Don't have but be grateful for
Things you do have

Live every day
Like it's your last for
Time wasted can never be regained

For experiences in life are not
Counted by your age but by
The number of encounters you have had

A Place To Rest

Finally a chance to rest
A chance for me to take
A leap of faith and be the best
Finally I can now occupy that
Wide and open space
To catch a nice clean and crisp breath
A space where I can laugh chat
And be myself
Finally a chance to rest

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Thank you God for inventing snow!

(From the Paw of Me)

I hope that all of you live somewhere where you get to experience God's wonderful creation of white powdery stuff called snow! Yesterday may have possibly been the best day of my entire life. (see above photo!)The owners took me to my favorite hiking spot, and in addition to running free in the woods and creek everything was covered with snow! I wish all of you could have been there to share in the joyful experience with me and perhaps throw a couple of snowballs my way!

Friday, January 1, 2010

'Honest Scrapped' - Belated

(From the Paw of Me)

Now that all the holiday festivities have finally started winding down I decided I could take the time to open my soul to all of my loyal followers. Back in November a Ms. Sassy Pants challenged me to write 10 honest things about myself- here it goes:

1. I love eating out of trash cans! Until you have discovered for yourself the wonderful world of surprises that are hidden in those marvelous cans...judge not.

2. I have never met a dog I didn't like.

3. I have never met a person I didn't like.

4. Peanut Butter is God's greatest invention.

5. Sometimes I pretend that I need to go out so that my 'mom' will get up and I can swipe her food off of the counter.

6. I steal my 'dad's' shoes, keys, wallet, hat, sunglasses, etc. just so he will chase me around the house.

7. Wuillis is my favorite brother.

8. I know what they want me to do...I am just holding out for treats.

9. Yes, I sleep in a Snuggie. Yes, my stuffed animal 'Buddy' sleeps in the bed with me. (Real men sleep with stuffed animals!)

10. I wish my owners would hurry up and get one of those 'kids' they keep talking about so that I would have someone to play with!

Thanks for allowing me to be honest. Happy New Year!