Monday, December 29, 2008

Super Secret Stealth Mission

(From the mind of he)

I cannot tell you the details of the mission, only that is was a success. We were undetected to a certain degree. At least that we know of. I was very happy with the result of the mission especially because I had two first time stealth mission person and dog with me. I was going to say people and make that sentence sound better but I refuse to cave to Zaba's belief that he is a person.

Mission Responsibilities-

Codename Donkey Face (there is a inside meaning behind this codename)- she was the getaway driver. She performed admirably. She was calm and cool throughout the mission.

Codename Long Tongue; AKA Stinky Fang- He was the lookout. He kept me out of trouble and enabled us to have a smooth getaway.

I cannot tell you my mission responsibilities, but I do want to say that we did nothing illegal.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Heart

(From the mind of he)

But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." (1 Sam. 16:7)

God has been speaking to me of late about my heart. The Bible talks about having a heart of flesh or a heart of stone. When I think about the state of my heart I believe I see both types at times. I know He desires that heart of flesh at all times. The heart that is always loving, always serving, always putting others before myself.

I have a friend who said one time, "People are very good and showing others what they want them to see. Very rarely do people get to see what is truly in their hearts." I've learned over time that people are capable of such ugliness. That includes me in big way. I've learned it's easy to look at terrorists or others with a reputation for hate and judge them as evil, while at the same time look at myself and say my heart is good. Jesus said that there is no one good except for God. The point being that all hearts were created with the same capacity for love or hate, or both. I believe the only way to love in a truly helpful way is to follow the example set by Christ. He is the only one who avoided hate and evil and used His heart the way His Father intended. This is the heart I seek. So my continual prayer is for a heart of flesh.

Another thing I've learned lately is that your spiritual or personal resume can grow and at the same time your heart can grow harder and harder. The Bible says, "Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up". Every action contributes to a heart of flesh or a heart of stone. Whether it is making a negative comment while driving or walking by someone and not acknowledging them. It doesn't matter how big or small the act, they all matter. I strive to show my heart to all. The good and the bad. God always sees the heart. I desire for others to see it so accountability for who I am and how I act is made easier for the people in my life. It's interesting, this has been a year where people have said very flattering things about me spiritually, (not trying to boast, I have a point) while at the same time this has been the most challenging year for me since I became a believer. Meaning, spiritual growth has been difficult this year. I've had many struggles. Many temptations.

The amazing thing about Jesus is that His grace encompasses all. I know this doesn't give me a free pass to sin. It does however give me the ability to trust in Him and in His love while my heart continues to be fixed by Him. His love is tough in that He wants us to grow. He wants us to keep pushing and striving for perfection. No matter the current status of my heart, Jesus only sees Himself. That is so encouraging and allows me to never give up and to never turn from Him.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Break

(From the mind of he)

We survived thanksgiving. I probably gained 5 pounds in the process. Zaba probably gained more then I did however. Here is a list of what our dog ate over thanksgiving:

Lots of peanut butter
The turkey liver
Pigs ear
His normal dog food
And to top it all off he attacked the pumpkin cake and got himself a nice little piece.

We had a very relaxing time in the mountains. We hiked several times and discovered a nice horse trail that wound itself through the woods. Zaba tried to eat the horse poop along the way. We also attempted some sledding but it proved difficult due to the melting snow and Zaba not only following me down the hill but also attacking me as I went. He got me and Mr. Moore several times. Zaba thought that was the greatest game ever invented, a game that caused much pain.

While we were away I was able to read the book of Galatians. I came across a verse I really felt God wanted me to see and remember. It is Galatians 4:9, it says, But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how is it that you turn back again to the weak and worthless elemental things, to which you desire to be enslaved all over again? This verse hit me pretty hard because I find myself slipping at times. I have found freedom through Christ. True freedom. Freedom from myself and from this world. I ask myself then why do I slip. I believe it comes down to faith, or lack there of at times. When I spend time in the word and in fellowship and in prayer my faith is strong and I'm very encouraged. When I get lazy and put those things off to the side, things tend to slip in. The Bible says Jesus often went off to pray. I need to often go off and pray. Rely on God and never myself to overcome the temptations of this world.

The break is nice because it allows time to get away and quiet yourself and listen.