Thursday, February 26, 2009

Given to Fly

(From the mind of he)

Since February is almost up I must give this months dose of "My Interpretation of Pearl Jam Lyrics". I know you are all excited. Today's lyrics comes from a song called Given to Fly. It goes like this...
He floated back down cause he wanted to share

His key to the locks on the chains he saw everywhere

But first he was stripped and then he was stabbed

By faceless men, well, #@#$%^&

He still stands

And he still gives his love, he just gives it away

The love he receives is the love that is saved

And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky

A human being that was given to fly

I feel these lyrics tell a very good story of what Christ did while He walked the Earth, and what He is still doing in many lives today.
One of the best stained glass windows we saw while we were in France last summer was of Jesus standing with His arms open, as if to receive the world, while people were standing below Him with broken chains falling off their wrists. Christ came to set the captives free. He was stripped, stabbed, and hung on a tree, which was all part of Him accomplishing His purpose. The world hated Him, but He still stands. The world still hates Him, but He still stands. He is the only one who has the key to unlock any chain that may bind us. He gives His love and when we love Him in return, He frees us.
(Given to Fly can be found on Pearl Jam's 5th album, which is entitled Yield)

Spoiled Doggie

(From the Heart of She)

It is starting to slowly dawn on me how spoiled our dog truly is! So much so that I really don't want to admit in writing the evidence to that fact. I have included a picture of Zaba that captures the essence of his 'spoiledness' - his expression basically says "I soooo have it made and there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it!"

on another note- I am getting spring fever big time. I am soooo over this winter. I also am really missing my family and the friends that we don't get to see often (which is basically all of you reading this!) It just seems that life is going by so fast that there is never time to stop and visit. But we are making time this summer. Zaba, Mark and I are coming to a town near you! We plan to visit A LOT of people this summer that we haven't had the chance to see in a while. (With a side trip to Minnesota!) Don't ask how we chose that destination- but there is a reason behind it. We are staying at the Gunflint Lodge on the Minnesota/Canadian border - check it out at I am hoping to see some northern lights! (one of my life goals!) Mark's parents are also taking their children and grandchildren to Disney world and one of our good friends is getting married. Needless to say it will be a jam packed summer. Can you tell I am just a little excited (and ready for a break!)

Lastly, Mark and I begin our classes for foster parent certification next week. This is just a beginning step so, of course, we will have lots to consider and pray about along the way. We aren't going to be rushing into anything. But we have felt for a long time that this is a desire God has laid on our hearts, so we are really excited about taking the first step! Please pray for God's guidance for us as we begin this journey.

We love and miss all of you. Thank you for staying tuned to our site and reading about all of Zaba's crazy antics!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


(From the mind of he)

Soap, not to be confused with soup, is Zaba's new passion. He for some reason beyond my comprehension wants the bar soap that is in my bathroom. When I took it away he proceeded to lick where the soap used to be. Strange puppy. He also really likes Dana's ear plugs, eye solution and toothpaste.
This really goes along with my continual growth in God through the dog. Meaning the things God continues to teach me through caring for a puppy. I continue to see the things that God's taking away from me because they aren't very good in His eyes (Genesis 1:31).

Monday, February 16, 2009


(From the mind of he)

I'm involved with a Bible study with some of the guys from the college. This Monday we watched a message from a guy who pastors a church in Brooklyn. His message was about God's house being a house of prayer. He opened with the story of Jesus clearing the temple of the money changers and saying, "Is it not written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations? But you have made it a robbers' den."(Mark 11:17) A House of Prayer. My life must be a house of prayer.
As the message went on the pastor said something that stuck out to me. He said if you can beat Satan in prayer then you can beat him in any other aspect of your life. I pondered this and came up with the following:

1. The last thing Satan wants anyone to do is to talk to God. I learned that talking to God is not relying on yourself. Humility will grow and pride will die with a conversation at the throne of grace.

2. Everything must begin with prayer. The Bible is truth, but if I don't seek the Holy Spirit's guidance then all I'm doing is trying to figure out what God is trying to say. If I talk to God first then guidance and strength will flow from His Word.

3. I've tried many times in life to figure things out and I always end up in the same situation, which is walking around in circles. All things are impossible without God. (for a reference on this refer back to my Lost Sheep blog about the Zaba making a break for it)

4. God has everything I could ever need. All the answers await me and are found in His presence.

I've had a continual struggle with prayer. Sometimes my tent of meeting is strong, and at other times the conversation is short or nonexistent. I know for prayer to take hold and transform I must surrender all. I must give Him my life daily, pick up my cross, and follow Him. I know He will always keep me on that narrow path. A path that I will only be able to see with prayer.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


(From the mind of he)

Our puppy is going through dog withdrawals. Ever since the incident of his escape he has not been around any other dogs. I have a fear of him taking off again, so I have been overly cautious with him.When I drive with him and he sees another dog on the side of the road he perks up and turns completely around in his seat to watch the dog until it disappears from sight. This morning I was hiking a trail and before I got out of the truck I had leaned over to tie my boots and a dog walked by. Zaba wanted to play with this dog so badly that he jumped on my shoulders and sat there barking at the dog through the window.
His desire for dog companionship is astounding. I feel he loves us and doesn't want to be separated from us, but that in no way compares to his desire for play with other dogs. He sees his brother every once in awhile, but it is not enough to satisfy him.
When I think about this in the spiritual, I think about myself and where my desire is. I ask myself if my desire is like his when it comes to God. Do I freak out when I have the opportunity to spend time with Him? Do I put my desire for Him before all else? Sadly the answers to these questions are normally no.
The solution: Get dog time for Zaba. Get reconnected with God. Set up specific times for Zaba to play with another dog. Have specific times for God, before I do anything else in the day. Many lessons are continued to be learned from our crazy puppy. Thanks for listening. Sorry some of the sentences don't have spaces, the computer is behaving strangely.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My First Snow!

(From the Paw of Me)
Last night I got to experience my first snow. It's this wonderful cold white stuff that you can eat and roll around in. It was great! Mommy got to stay home from work today, so she is happy too. I have included some photos of me in the snow. Enjoy!